RPCC-NN panel members
Contact details are not included here. We ask you to contact us through our contact form. Feel free to indicate specific members in your request.
prof. dr. Klaus Hubacek
Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the Groningen University, and lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
dr. ir. Floris Boogaard
Lector, Kenniscentrum NoorderRuimte; Lector, Instituut voor Future Environments; Lector, Ruimtelijke Transformaties – Water.
dr. Christian Lamker
Assistant Professor Sustainable Transformation and Regional Planning, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Allard Roest Msc
PhD Candidate, Water, Research Centre for Built Environment – NoorderRuimte; PhD Candidate, Spatial Transformation.
Farilde Steur
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Isotope Research
How to become a member
If you are sufficiently proficient in a relevant science discipline (like advanced in a PhD research) and want to contribute to knowledge transfer in the region then we’d like to get in touch and have you on the RPCC-NN members list below. Mail to info@rpccnn.nl so we can discuss and set up a personal profile. Membership of
RPCC-NN is free for now but we may ask a modest membership fee to remain independent.